“… as long as he sought the Lord, God prospered him.” -2 Chronicles 26:5
It Is Good to Live a Life of Small Things
It is good to stay weak. It is good to stay dependent. It is good to not have a large following of man, lest your heart be strayed to pride and unfaithfulness to the One who is your life. It is good to learn to be faithful in the small things. It is good to live a life of small things. Our success will not be measured by the magnitude of our influence but by the magnitude of our faithfulness. Faithfulness in the monotony of motherhood, faithfulness in the daily grind of work, faithfulness when your lot is pain and grief and when your lot is joy and abundance. Faithfulness with those I’ve been entrusted with, however small and however large. We should shy away from large platforms, huge and vast influence unless God gives it. And even then we should be cautious and quick to know when the time for great influence has passed lest pride creep in and we find our value wrapped up in our influence and not in our God. This happens to the most faithful men and women. It has happened to me. We must watch for it, and ward agains a life that has influence but is void of faithfulness. If we can not be faithful with great influence then we must step away from our influence and pursue faithfulness. This if of utmost importance and will have greater eternal impact then perhaps we could even imagine.
The World Does Not See it This Way
The world does not see it this way. The world says “rise up, go higher. Seize every opportunity for greatness”. But God’s way says “Bend lower, dig deeper. Seize every opportunity to serve, to love me and those around you, to learn to be faithful in the small tasks.” The large tasks and the small tasks, the large influence and the small influence are His to give and His to take away. And it is His goodness towards us when He gives and when He takes. Azariah prospered when He sought the Lord, when He sought to follow Him and be faithful to the call placed on His life. And then he grew strong, and many followed him and he grew proud and unfaithful. My prayer lately is that I would live a life of faithfulness in whatever God asks me to steward whether large or small. That I wouldn’t be enamored by the kind of success the world may say is great, but I would be enamored by the One who is the very definition of Great.
“But when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly, and he was unfaithful to the Lord His God.” 2 Chronicles 26:16
- A Time to be Silent and a Time to Speak - October 29, 2020
- Teaching Them to Hope, Birthday After Birthday. - January 15, 2020
- A Taste of Hope Fulfilled – Briella Dawn’s Birth Story - August 3, 2018