I have gathered a wealth of resources over the past several years, both specific to carrying to term a child that isn’t expected to live as well as specific to grief in general and all the craziness that come with that. Here you’ll find some of the resources that have been most helpful for us in walking through the anticipation of the loss of our 2 daughters, the celebration of their short lives, and learning how to live in the new normal of the grief that comes with their absence. I hope you find resources here that will offer you hope on whatever journey of loss you are walking through right now.
Information for Parents and Family
Books on Grief, Loss and Suffering
Through the loss of our first two daughters, I have devoured over 20 books on a variety of topics mostly connected to grief and suffering. Many have asked me what has been helpful and I wanted to share with you the top books I would recommend for anyone walking through loss or suffering of any kind (or those who simply want to understand it more… we have felt incredibly loved by family and friends who have picked up some of these books to try to better understand what we are walking through). This is in no way a comprehensive list and there are many books on my list to read that I simply haven’t read yet. That said, I only offer to you the books that I have actually read that have been helpful to me with a brief description.

The One Year Book of Hope

Streams in the Desert

90 Days of God's Goodness

Experiencing Grief

A Grief Observed

A Grace Disguised: How the Soul Grows through Loss

When Your Family's Lost a Loved One: Finding Hope Together

Holding On to Hope: A Pathway through Suffering to the Heart of God

Hearing Jesus Speak into Your Sorrow

Walking with God through Pain and Suffering

A Place of Healing: Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering, Pain, and God's Sovereignty

Not by Sight: A Fresh Look at Old Stories of Walking by Faith

The Prisoner in the Third Cell
I read this book a month after our second daughter passed away and was deep in wrestling with the reality that God had not shown up like I thought He was going to, both in Dasah’s story but also in the story it seemed God was writing for our family and I didn’t like it. This book was timely and wrecked me… in a good kind of wrecking… if there is such a thing. It’s also very short, like I read it in two days short.

Hinds Feet On High Places

Safe in the Arms of God: Truth from Heaven About the Death of a Child

There's a Party in Heaven!

When Suffering Enters Your Door
Resources for Those Carrying a Child to Term That is Not Expected to Live Once Born
It is a painfully hard path to carry a pregnancy to term when your babies life is expected to be brief. Often we can look ahead and think of all the impossible things we will have to face. But in looking ahead, we forget that we made it through today. And so each day, you will discover grace a new for each day. There will be pain, but there will also be unexpected moments of joy. I’ve carried to babies who I knew would not live long once born. Yet there lives have brought fullness and joy to our lives in the midst of the pain. 18 months of pregnancy and today I sit with empty arms. Yet though my arms are physically empty today, my heart is fuller because God brought two little girls, Sophia Kyla and Dasah Brielle into our lives. If you have just received a diagnosis that your baby will not live once born and you’re figuring out what to do, or you’ve decided to carry to term here are resources that I believe will be helpful for you and your family. Please feel free to contact me if you are looking for something specific, I have a wealth of resources that I would love to pass on to you!

A Gift of Time: Continuing Your Pregnancy When Your Baby's Life Is Expected to Be Brief

Perinatal Hospice & Palliative Care

Capturing the Memories of Your Child's Life

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