I’ve always wanted to write a book, more so because I thought it would be a cool bucket list thing to check off with no actual idea of the kind of work required in the actual writing process. But this book that is about to be released is not the book I ever imagined writing, for it’s not the story that I ever imagined living.
Over the course of the last 5 years as I began writing more publicly I never intended that our story would become a book. In fact, as time went on and that seed of an idea took root somehow I knew it would require more of me than I thought I could give. But after my second daughter, Dasah passed away and God began to take me to places of deeper pain then I had ever known and I begin to see Him in fresh ways, I began to see some common threads to what He had been doing in my life through this journey He has had Kevin and I on of saying hello and goodbye to our first two daughters.
I began to see that it was in these very places of waiting, suffering and a wrestle with surrender that God had been at work writing on my heart the kind of hope that doesn’t disappoint. It was the question I had all along, what is this Hope that doesn’t disappoint when I am so brutally disappointed with how my story has panned out.
About 8 months after Dasah passed away the seed of wondering whether or not I should set out to put our story and what God has done into a book took root. I began to sense a deep desire to put into a more cohesive format than a blog, the story of how God has revealed His faithfulness and worthiness in our lives in the midst of deep suffering. I wanted others to know how hope can arise from even the darkest seasons and even how these dark seasons are instruments in the hand of God to produce in us the hope that doesn’t disappoint.
But I knew enough to know that I didn’t know the first thing about writing a book. And I knew that Kevin would have to be on board if we were to do this. Though I may be the one writing it, I knew it would take extra time and sacrifice from both of us to see it to completion. So, over the course of the next year, I took an online course on writing a book, learned how to create a framework and began the writing process. And so this book that you see Buried Dreams: From Devastating Loss to Unimaginable Hope came to be. I’ll save the story for how I stepped into the publishing world for another time, but suffice it say that I have seen God’s hand on this book from the beginning stages (the photo on the front of this post is the first full rough draft that I finished the summer of 2017… it was much longer and much more messy than what the finished copy will be as all good first rough drafts start out being!). I am so excited to tell you more about it and my process of writing it in the coming weeks and months.
In the next month, I’ll be creating a special Book Launch Team that will be able to read this book beforehand and be a part of launching it when it releases on September 18, 2018. My hope is that through this team, more people than I am currently connected with may have a chance to have a story in their hands that may draw their hearts to a greater Hope in the midst of their own buried dreams and discover in fresh ways the God who meets us in the darkness.
If you are interested at all in being a part of this team, I will be sending information about this team to those subscribed to my blog first! So please subscribe and keep your eyes out for some more personal emails about those details
In the meantime you can pre-order a copy here:
- A Time to be Silent and a Time to Speak - October 29, 2020
- Teaching Them to Hope, Birthday After Birthday. - January 15, 2020
- A Taste of Hope Fulfilled – Briella Dawn’s Birth Story - August 3, 2018